my good friend作文(全文)

my good friend my friend is really too much, but my favorite, admire the most, the most c。

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my good friend

my good friend

my friend is really too much, but my favorite, admire the most, the most convincing is one of my and i live in the same place friend — wenxin

his handsome. thin lips, black hair. our friendship is on two of our classmates relationship. we have known for two years, i see from your many glittering place, but also with insufficient place.

since january 30, i would have come back, and you have my some students coming, in a few days we’ll separate, perhaps have never met in, during which i recalled the wonderful time we were at school, i have learned many of you. example: the filial piety, understanding and care, and at his parents to mistake will reflect themselves, i won’t.

remember, you fight with others in the school, when i saw the truth, i was really hard, and finally you won the atmosphere, i also will breathe a sigh of relief, because you haven’t beaten,… the last thing was fighting the teacher found, you got the teacher’s play and scold and fined fifty yuan punishment, also called parents call teacher, in the meantime, i found that you are so worried about the feelings of guilt, and parents. so, you swear later don’t make rules that we read we listen, i can see your guilt, sad that malicious, i would not suffer the psychology. — — to reflect upon your own

mom, i’m back, to eat, mother asked me to close the door, i didn’t hear that went upstairs, washed your feet on the floor, mother, he gave me say: "hear that some wenxin home, they were thieves stole the money, so some 10,000 or 20,000 every day, now at dinner will close the door.

sweat, school, your money? no… how, to borrow money. by robbers stole my, i again in last week’s fighting in school, i feel guilt, there is no firm in the house, it is my own money, you borrow my point, next week. at that time, i was thinking that if it was just my words, i like him? i think i won’t, because i don’t like you understand parents said that mom and dad for money is not easy. you touched me these things. parents — understanding

however, you are malicious deficiency of emotional trauma to injury and is unable to correctly face their feelings, i hope you to something that hankscraft feelings, we hope you can think clearly, he is quiet, i want, isn’t me happiness, such ability won’t make their emotional trauma.


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