lights out for earth hour,让你很快时间解决问题,下面小编就来简易的解析一下。
lights out for earth hour
830 to 930 saturday night, is the national one-hour lights-out environmental protection activities. such a glorious thing, how can i participate? 830 pm, all the lights in our home on time into the rest state, at home in addition to the place by the window, the other a dark paint, and i look across the residential area, the number of households are one after another and as we gradually turn off the lights, and all time to join the ranks of the protection of mother earth, is indeed a warm xiamen city, civilization, home to so many people respond with the call. at this point our home, in addition to the other side of the street lamp close to some things can still be seen, the other places out into the pitch-dark in the dark. my brother is a coward, this time he scared, cr[1][2][3][4][5]下一页lights out for earth hour的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读,更多关于lights out for earth hour的信息别忘了在本站进行查找哦。紫能范文网往后会继续推荐lights out for earth hour相关内容。