My Brother (2)作文(长篇)

I have a cousin, speaking of him, nothing else is greedy.  Speaking of my cousin, he is the famous。

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My Brother (2)

  I have a cousin, speaking of him, nothing else is greedy.

  Speaking of my cousin, he is the famous big stomach king in five hundred miles. Since winning the first prize in the watermelon competition, there is a name. Of course, his daily life also confirms his name.

  On one occasion, cousin’s birthday, we bought him a big cake together. The cake is double decker, decorated with fruit and chocolate, and he specially painted his favorite cartoon character. This cake makes us salivate, let alone big cousin. This is not, just bought, cousin is in his claws, if I am not stopped in time, or this cake will be destroyed by cousin at this time.

  He invited many guests to dinner at his home for his birthday. So we went to the living room and entertained the guests. Cousin is today’s birthday star, adults do not ask him to do anything, let him play. Finally, the important moment arrived. We all looked forward to opening the cake. However, we were all surprised that the cake was completely missing. Is it a thief? But where is a thief? That’s how he stole the cake. Or is it a layer?

  At this time, the cousin went out with a burp, this is good, no cousin’s own voice, everyone knows, this cake, was eaten by the cousin himself. We all laughed and laughed, and our cousin smirled at us with cream face. It’s just not knowing what to say about him. Cousin’s reputation is really getting bigger and bigger.

  This is my cousin, a famous greedy. Only the cousin is very fond of sports, too. That’s why he didn’t grow fat. Otherwise, uncle and aunt wouldn’t allow him to be so greedy. And he eats nutrition and exercises his body. He was also famous and strong. I want my cousin to keep his life healthy and happy.

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