New Life作文(全文)

From morning to night, this is my life, which causes me to frighten every day with two panda eyes。

大家好,今天紫能范文网小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于New Life的问题,于是小编就整理了相关介绍New Life的解答,下面就跟随小编一起来看看吧。

New Life

  From morning to night, this is my life, which causes me to frighten every day with two panda eyes and look in the mirror. The daily food is instant noodles, not nutritious. Well, I know, but I am lazy. I am too lazy to go out to buy vegetables and cook. I was so lazy that I only ate one meal a day.

  I hold my cell phone every day. I can’t just watch a play, play games, and polish time. I seldom spend time with myself, so I become a ghost. Look at the mirror, when the skin became so bad, forehead is blain, stay up late to cause trouble! Look at the figure. It’s all out of shape. I can’t go on pat my face. I have to adjust my time to live like a normal person.

  I spend time dressing up myself. I plan to go out and relax. I haven’t been outside for a long time. I’m going to go crazy. I’ll come out to play in the video game city, it’s noisy, but that atmosphere I like, I especially envy those who dance, especially those who dance very well. Watching them jump on the dancing machine, ignite the atmosphere, become the focus in a moment. I also want to be the focus of my life. I don’t want to be a person who has no sense of existence. I swear to go back to practice and dance. It seems that I have no special skills. Practice dancing at this time.

  Play around and find a lot of new things. I plan to be a house girl. The world is so big. I plan to go out to see it. But it’s all around! Mom is not allowed to run around, hey! When you grow up and have money to play, take your parents out to travel.

本文New Life整理到此结束,字数约1640字,希望对大家有所帮助。紫能范文网往后会继续推荐New Life相关内容。

上一篇 2024-09-30
下一篇 2024-09-30


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