
Ma Lao Shi, yellow plus yellow – Green Team fat Zhao, DJZ – Huang team reference  Last week, Ma La。



  Ma Lao Shi, yellow plus yellow – Green Team fat Zhao, DJZ – Huang team reference

  Last week, Ma Lao Shi dampted DJZ’s Coca-Cola, DJZ said it was very angry and threw away the 10 T (10240G) slices of Ma old wet. Ma old wet that was an angry, the parts of his computer to a one out.

  Yesterday, Fei Zhao did not care about Huang Jiahuang’s Platinum Collection and the limit of the value of the TiTan X to sit down, but the Yellow calendar has been bought from a treasure, with a few years of wages. Huang Jiahuang was angry for stealing NBA 2K’s account number.

  So they were divided into two teams and opened the world war. But, on the day of 5438 years, the sun was hot and hot, DJZ just dug the mantle and drank all the mantle of magma, causing the world to turn into an era of destruction, when the earth stopped the rotation and rotation, the sun had illuminated Guangdong for 48 hours, the surface temperature reached 60 degrees, and the hard hard drive of the horse was wet. To one after another burned out, Ma Lao wet at this time can not attend to eliminate the yellow team, took out the long cherished water cooling fan to take out to the remaining 100T piece of heat. He immediately put the movie on his “wet horse”, but it can be said as a “small Treasuries”, which has hidden a lot of money and his big treasure. He took his teammates Huang and Huang to his small vault to escape, and the yellow team followed, and found the wet little vault of Ma old, and was ready to occupy it. Alas the poor horse was wet, and his small vault was found, and it was a pity that he had been plough for a long time. Suddenly, fat Zhao and DJZ wanted to open the trunk of the horse’s wet sheets. Ma Lao saw them in a hurry and pushed them aside.

  Fat Zhao showed a cheap smile and said, “Hey, hey, Ma Lao wet, you put a good baby.”

  Ma Lao wet in order not to let them see ready to spell their lives, shouting: “Ba Ge Road, you want to open this box, you have to walk from my body.” ,

  Fei Zhao “to meet your wishes.”

  Huang adds yellow to see its shape, immediately rushes to protect the horse old wet, he knows certainly in his box certainly puts the movie.

  Fat Zhao saw them protecting their boxes so well, there was a good treasure in the pit. Hey, hey, hey, hey, he immediately called DJZ to grab the box, but!

  DJZ also remembered that there must be some films in the old wet box. He thought of the time he was happy with Ma old when he was wet, and playing with Huang Jiahuang, the moving Time, who felt that friendship was the most important, and that he could not harm the friendship of his friends. He thinks well! When a traitor! He cried out, “Come, I think so, come and beat fat Zhao together.”

  Fat Zhao was in a bad mood and saw his friend rebel and prepare for a big fight.

  Suddenly, he felt that he could not fight, but he rolled home and turned on the air conditioner.

  The world, because DJZ spit out the magma, returned to normal, Ma old wet to continue his youth life, Huang Jia Huang continued to DIY his computer, DJZ because of poor, eat soil.

  Fat Zhao started studied the life of the old man.

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