
In March 8th of 54250 years, the sun was so hot that even the water in our ocean was not clear. Th。



  In March 8th of 54250 years, the sun was so hot that even the water in our ocean was not clear. The police station has suddenly increased dozens of times of skin cancer patients and heatstroke syncope. I don’t know why they went to the police station, the police had air conditioning, the hospital had air conditioning but it was not cool, awa. My Beihai kindergarten’s spicy chicken kindergarten also had to take a vacation. I’m watching the live broadcast of the destruction of the earth.

  All of a sudden, the WIFI signal was interrupted, and the next door old Wang’s MC got up just half the time without WIFI signal and then broke off. Then the whole village heard him calling names. At this time, Ma old wet originally looking at the film, because of no signal, suddenly rushed to say: “broadband burnt, quickly take the new network line.” I hurried to promise “Oh!” Ma Lao wet said, “that fat Zhao brings my collection of water-cooled fans to my broadband heat dissipation.” Zhao Yu also agreed, saying, “NMSL, the brain was soaked in water, right? Doesn’t the end of the world stop your youth? Ma Lao wet again said: “labor and capital VIP1 expired after an hour. If you don’t read it, it will expire.” I said, “it’s really a wet horse.” It’s so wet. “

  Zhao Yu and I, Ma Lao Shi to stop at the door of the electric small three wheels, Ma old wet responsible for driving, I and Fei Zhao in the back play Iphone, suddenly Ma old wet face heavy, I know what happened in the grey, sure, Ma old dampness said: “labor and capital installed 2 T pieces of mechanical hard disk did not bring, I downloaded a download.” The year, the year of VIP, old, expensive. We said, “at the end of the world do you still remember your big babies?” Ma Laoshi said, “if you come to the mantle, you can still live without the cold water fan of Laozi.” We say, “threaten us?” You’re not going to kill your big two T kids. ” Ma Lao wet said, “forget it, play the game in the mantle, do not let those big babies refresh themselves.”

  Fortunately, Ma Lao-shi figured it out and the mantle was not far away. I asked fat Zhao: “why do you want to escape to the mantle?” “Instead of going to the mantle, it’s going to go to the dungeon over the mantle.” He added: “this time the earth was so hot because the mantle was eaten and worn by the DJZ, the magma of the mantle was sprayed out, the water of the ocean evaporated, the earth’s water circulation system failed, so the earth was getting hotter until the dampness of the horse was hot, and he fled to the mantle, and the reverse mantle had no speech and was drunk by DJZ.” It’s over. ” I suddenly realized.

  The underground city of the mantle was dug by Ma old wet, mainly used to hide his big baby. His big baby was too much. He had to pick a underground city and buy hundreds of T mechanical hard drives to keep his big baby. I thought to myself: this horse is really wet. She can’t help her. But his dungeon saved our lives. He’s nb.

  A citizen said, “Ma Lao Shi, why do you want to build this underground city?”

  Ma Lao was ashamed to say that he had hidden the secret of the movie in the underground city and waved away.

  Another person said, “why does Ma Lao wet you because you are a teacher?”

  Ma Lao wet is unwilling to say that he is always wet. We just call him horse wet, waved and gone.

  A girl suddenly shouted, “I know why Ma Jianhao is called ma Lao Shi!”

  When everyone looked at the little girl, the horse was wet, but the girl said, “because Ma Jianhao is always metamorphosis, so the friends around him call him horse old wet, and then we also call him horse old wet.”

  Ma old wet red face stroll the chicken.


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