
On a sunny day, the baby elephant, the bear, the monkey and the duckling go to play hide and seek。



  On a sunny day, the baby elephant, the bear, the monkey and the duckling go to play hide and seek in the forest.

  The trees in the forest grew very dense. Soon after the game began, the hidden partners were gone, and the little elephant began to look for it.

  Soon after that, both cubs and monkeys were found, but they could not find ducklings. Just as three little partners looked around, suddenly they heard the birds calling to them, “help! Help!” Come with me! ” So everyone followed the birds, running at two steps. After a while, finally found the duckling fell into the pit.

  The partners looked down. God, the pit is big and deep. How can we save the duckling? Everyone was in a hurry and scared.

  The little monkey thought and said, “I’ll save you.” It went to the front bamboo grove. “I’ll come back later.” After a while, the monkey really came back. He climbed up a tree with a bamboo pole, climbed to the branch of the tree, hooked the branch with its tail, took the bamboo pole in his hand, and put the bamboo pole into the pit to pull the duckling up. But the duckling’s wings were injured and could not be pulled up.

  The little elephant said, “well, let me come.” The little elephant tried to suck up the duckling with its long nose, but the little elephant’s nose was not long enough.

  The little bear racked his brains, and at last, a flash of light came to mind. It said, “I’ll go home for a minute, and I’ve come up with a solution. You wait for me. “

  More than ten minutes later, the bear came back, holding a big bucket in his hand.

  They asked curiously, “what are you doing with the bucket?”

  THe bear said mysteriously, “You’ll know later.”Then, the bear went to the little river near the river, filled the bucket with water, and poured the water into the pit.

  Repeated several times, the duckling came up to the surface and it managed to escape from the pit.

  Everyone was very happy, not only for the duckling’s escape, but also for the wisdom and wisdom of the little bear.


上一篇 2024-09-30
下一篇 2024-09-30


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