Earth the last one boy.作文(精选)

The earth is desolate and has lost its former prosperity. But there is still one last person left。

现在还有好多人不知道Earth the last one boy.,接下来我们小编就来分享一下。

Earth the last one boy.

  The earth is desolate and has lost its former prosperity. But there is still one last person left on earth. He is our lovely, metamorphosis—– Ma Lao Shi.

  In the center of Qingyuan, only his small house and his small three wheeled electric wheels are accompanying him. The small three wheeled electric wheels seem to be powerless to express: Ma Lao Shi, I have no electricity. But his notebook was full of electricity, because he had a spare battery in a box full of electricity. Why did he prepare so many batteries? It’s not because he wants to see the remaining 2000 minutes of VIP before he dies.

  He looked at his notebook screen, thinking that his toothpick was thin and short and could be blocked by two fingers.

  But he is now facing this terrible disaster, a AH_KFC – led international corps, which, in spite of the death of the people, constantly massacred human beings, until now, third world wars have been provoked and a city has been sucked out. They used nuclear weapons and destroyed weapons to destroy all the surviving humans, but the horse was so wet that he was able to force it. He used to watch thousands of hours of big baby’s physique against nuclear and biological weapons. The leader of AH_KFC looked at Ma Lao’s wet big baby and his “wet horse”. He ordered all soldiers to rob all the wet old horses.

  The poor baby, huh? He is only toothpick now. This is going to die. His films haven’t been finished yet. He was very reluctant to give up his hard drives for years, and prepared to distance himself from them.

  Suddenly, Huang Jiahuang, who had been watching the horse for a long time, appeared. Huang Jiahuang, the descending of the day, said, “Ma Lao Shi, do not be afraid, I am the goddess of peace. I will come to the rescue of you by the order of TimeFlies, come and go to van together.”

  Ma Lao decisively promised to fly to other countries with his big treasure and notebook, and no one on earth.

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