
5438250 years, a news shock the world, even Ma old dampness is very fond of that thing, he is – bo。



  5438250 years, a news shock the world, even Ma old dampness is very fond of that thing, he is – book, Ma old dampness, how can the big pervert like that cultural book? It turned out that this book was not an ordinary book. It was a book that could talk and project 3D.

  Why does Ma Laoshi like this kind of book? As long as we think about this book, can we know why Ma Lao Shi likes this kind of book.

  Although the book is not as powerful as VR, it is cheap. It is similar to an encyclopedia, but he has no page number, and the side is a plug in the hard disk. As long as he plugs the hard disk into it, he can projection the video into a 3D. As long as the people of the article “escaping the mantle” know that the wet hard drive of Ma old is all pieces, like this kind of book can be projected into 3D animation. How exciting is that? And the price is low.

  Next is the book that can go around, it can put people in a particular fantasy space, Du Jiazheng like the most people like to eat, last time eating the mantle, drink the magma drink, almost the world is gone. Although he was in the illusory space, he could turn a certain food into another food, such as the apple, the banana, the durian’s eggs on both sides of the banana, and the water into anmash in front of the banana.

  The next introduction is the Encyclopedia of knowledge. The scientists like it very much. The book has ten buttons. The first one is to let the scientist experiment. If the scientist is afraid of the explosion or the radiation to its own body, if the experiment fails, it can be turned back to the original sample by second buttons.

  These books are very amazing. If you look at them, you will definitely have a new understanding of Ma Lao.


上一篇 2024-10-04
下一篇 2024-10-04


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