
“No. 5438th, please come to the injection room for awa。” the waiting man hurried in, and in a fe。



  ”No. 5438th, please come to the injection room for awa…” the waiting man hurried in, and in a few moments, he came out.

  Is this him? The whole body has changed. From head to toe to toe is green, even the clothes are green. And wearing a big green hat.

  In less than a month, all the people around the world were injected with the needle, and all the women’s men with two boats on earth had big green hats and bright green skin and clothes. A new race has been born on the earth – the green man.

  Originally, this is the krypton blood family to solve the problem of the earth’s human food shortage and the principle of photosynthesis according to the green plant found a major invention – 54sha B chlorophyll extract. This liquid is injected! Men with two awa women with harmonious friends have big green hats and bright green skin and clothes, so those people have awa.

  ”Mommy Mommy, I’m full to death, full yuppie.” A girl who was watched by a girlfriend of two treadmills and two girls said, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, I am full, right?” To bask in the sun, the sun is not hungry. ” At the end of the day, he pulled the child to death in the sun. The child thought to himself, “the brain has been hit by a car.”

  ”Boy, is it hungry?” The child nodded and his heart was MMP.

  ”Let’s do it in this way.” The child went back home and played Minecraft for a while.

  Young children are not accustomed to the habit of not eating baked gluten, and say to their mother, “Shit monther!” Why don’t we eat the dragon and hot sticks? “

  Mother did not speak. She took several pictures from her bookshelf and said, “Look! This is the old king’s hot bar when the Laodian of the time of the soap slices, then the spicy thieves chicken delicious, it is spicy and spicy, can be addicted to children ~, I pull my mother to eat all the hot strips of the world, alas now, the hot strips are all eaten. “

  Mother said it as if the hot strip was right in front of her. “Mother, Mother, what’s the hot strip? Is it green, too? “

  The mother did not answer her, drop by drop of tears fell on the photo of the spicy strip position.

  In fact, they do not want to be so green when they have two feet on board, but in order to be nice, they can only do this, after all, they have two. So their 54sha B chlorophyll extract is effective, relying on light cooperation to maintain life and make chickens (themselves) greener and more personalized. A study of civilized scientists found that many men had two girlfriends awa, and they all had “green” color on their heads, so scientists invented the 54sha B chlorophyll extract.

  A father turned out a picture of his girlfriend when he was 18 years old, and his child said, “Oh, my f**k s**t. Dad, why are your hair and eyes black and your hands white? “

  Those guys who have two feet on the boat’s wife will never understand why single Dog is not changing.


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