busy weekend 文章适宜人群:everyone 建议七年级以上的同学观看,希望你投下宝贵的一票,希望你能看一下我的其他作品,谢谢。 i was very busy last weekend. on saturday morning, i cleaned my room. it took me the whole morning. it made me tired. in the afternoon, i did my homework. it was a little difficult, buy i still finished it by myself. on sunday morning, i wend shopping. there were too many people in the shops, so i didn’t enjoy myself. on sunday afternoon, i watched tv at home. i watched an interesting tv show. it made me very happy. in the evening, i read a book. it was very interesting. how about your weekend? can you talk it? take time to indulge 心语花园(作者留言):to me, the past is black[1][2]下一页以上就是我们整理的busyweekend,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,紫能范文网往后会继续推荐busyweekend相关内容。