we are glad that li hua has made great progress。because in last week. i classes to “farewell ugly, to civilization” as the theme for a comprehensive practical activities. through the activities of the students have great harvest, in particular, li hua student progress fastest? in previous, he used to quarrel with others. but now he gets along well with others. in previous, he used to throw rubbish. but now he cares for the environment. in previous, he used to addict to computer games. but now he actively participated in various activities. therefore, we feel happy for him.到此,以上就是我们小编对于考试英语作文(15)的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于考试英语作文(15)的解答对大家有用,想了解更多请关注本网站,竭诚为您服务。