
世界上有很多水果,并且水果有益健康,那你喜欢吃什么水果呢?各种各样的水果,构成了多彩的世界。以下是小编精心收集整理的水果英语作文五年级,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。  水果英语作文五年级1。





  My favorite fruit My favorite is lemon fruit. Lemon is not very round, with a sharp point, is yellow. The Latin species name Citrus limon lemon. Lemon juice can enhance memory, improve osteoporosis, a beauty effects, and so on. Lemon juice or beverage preparation of important raw materials and manufacturing drugs, often Trickle-down lemon juice to remove Westerners eating again. Used mainly for juice, fruits sometimes used as cooking, but the basic need for Xiansi because too sour. Fruits containing 5% citric acid were. Containing 501.6 mg per litre lemon juice, vitamin C and citric acid were 49.88 grams. This is my favorite fruit.


  My favorate fruit is watermelon because I like eating everything sweet. Besides, watermelons contain much water and I can get much water by eating them. I dont like drinking water so that eating watermelon is a good way for me to replendish water. Furthermore, a cool watermelon is really a fantastic choice for hot Summer. I almost eat watermelon everyday in Summer. Now,as Summer is coming, I am very exciting because I can eat a lot of watermelon. Tough, we can also eat watermelon in other seasons, they are not as sweet as Summers. I am really looking forward to the coming Summer.


  In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.


  I like to eat fruit because almost all fruits are tasty and good for your body.I like sweet fruits better than sour fruits.My favourite fruit is hami melon I think it is the sweetest fruit in the world.

  I love hami melons.Theyre sweeter than candy and they smell really good.I hate lemons because no fruit in the world is sourer than it.Sometimes I like to eat some grapes,too.But be carefull,sometimes they can be as sweet as hami melons and sometimes they can be as sour as lemons.

  My mammy and daddy like to eat sour fruits and my little brother likes to eat sweet fruits just like me.Fruit is the most delicious thing in the world.Fruit,I love you.


  In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.

以上就是我们整理的水果英语作文五年级,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,紫能范文网往后会继续推荐水果英语作文五年级相关内容。

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