
试用期后自我评价英文范文 篇1  To after the goods tender, the Ministry of the staff of my extra care, care for ev。



试用期后自我评价英文范文 篇1

  To after the goods tender, the Ministry of the staff of my extra care, care for every possible way, so I feel the warmth of the family here, which can enable me to quickly enter the work role. (Zhanjiang project boiler, steam turbine, generator) technical negotiations; Wuhan Boiler Plant, North Heavy Company (Zhanjiang project boiler, steam turbine, generator) technical negotiations; Zhanjiang project of the original (Zhanjiang project boiler, turbine, generator) technical negotiations; Fuel sample preparation system, sintering product testing device technology exchange (Xuzhou Hull).

  Involved in the tender review of the project: Baosteel Research Institute of Stainless Steel Technology Center tensile testing machine project tender review; Stainless Steel Division ICP emission spectrometer project tender review; Baosteel Detection Company X fluorescence spectrometer project tender review. Participated in the pre-bid project: Baoshan Iron and Steel International centralized purchasing (Shenyang, Fuzhou). Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., The Ministry of 2030 cold-rolled 25 t overhead cranes.

  In the above work, according to the instructions of the master, I have carried out rigorous operation on every link in the tender. I have benefited greatly from not only the excellent professional quality and the ability of organizing and coordinating, but also from the dairy leadership.To the tender industry a good work ethic and practical work hard work style.

  As a young tenderer, may be due to lack of experience and bring more trouble, but I have problems for the tender to the master humbly ask for advice, and actively sum up the approach, and keen on the accumulation of problem-solving program. For example, under the guidance of the master independently completed the international standard tensile testing machine project, including pre-technical exchanges, tender review, the preparation of tender documents, announcements, tracking bid, opening and a series of work.

  During the encounter a lot of difficulties, only 2 to purchase the tender to the Shanghai Electrical and Mechanical Office to apply for two bids, drawn judges, the number of times in the international tender network does not get enough judges, 2 to electromechanical Office expert. On the eve of the opening of one of the interim decision not to participate in the bidding, resulting in the flow mark. At the same time because of my lack of experience in the international bidding network misuse in the tender deadline to modify the notice before, resulting in two bids can not be submitted to the record, in consultation with the international bidding network staff, in time with the Shanghai Electrical and Mechanical Office to communicate , To make up for the previous error.

  In short, in this 3 months internship period I deeply feel the company's human management, feel the company's vigorous and caring staff caring and warm feeling. At the same time I am eager to get the affirmation of the leadership of the company, on schedule to positive, I will use my practical actions for the development of International Tendering Co., Ltd. to make their own contribution.

试用期后自我评价英文范文 篇2

  Through internships, as if all of a sudden mature, know how to do things the truth, but also understand the meaning of learning, courage to face life in every post! This allows me to see my life direction, I know that work is A passionate career, and to persevere in the spirit of quality and hard-working quality. Real footsteps are so clear and powerful. In a combination of theory and practice in the process,

  From the numerous failures to learn a valuable lesson, and over time, his will also been honed, fear has gradually disappeared. I always remind myself that only continuous efforts to advance with the times. In short, the significance of this internship, for me is no longer complete credits to complete the task of graduation practice, but in the "journey of life" in the process of taking the first step, I will properly Cherish the opportunity of this practice.

  During the internship, I had no reason to absent from the end. I am diligent and eager to learn.Modern and careful, listen carefully to the guidance of the old comrades, the work proposal for others to listen to humbly. And to carefully observe, personal experience, independent thinking, comprehensive analysis, and strive to learn to learn to learn to apply to practical work, try to do the best combination of theory and practice, and cultivate my dedicated dedication Spirit and hard work of practical work style. Also cultivated my patience and quality.

  The beginning of a period of time, the work was unable to start, at a loss what to do, I am very sad. However, through my own unremitting efforts, this four-month short and full practice, for me to lay the foundation for future social, is an important part of my life experience, is also an important step, through the internship I deeply appreciate; Others humbly ask for advice, abide by the rules and regulations of the organization and discipline, and human civilization and some of the basic principles of life should be seriously implemented in real life, good habits have to constantly train in real life; work and colleagues To maintain a good relationship, this time to learn the knowledge and experience will be a valuable asset in my life!

  Internship is over, but it has great significance. It makes me see their own shortcomings, but also made me see their own strengths, and exercise all aspects of my ability to thank the company's training, thanks to my superiors to my words and deeds of the careful guidance, I will take the initiative, Confident, passionate attitude to face the future work.

试用期后自我评价英文范文 篇3

  Three months into the company, the leadership and colleagues with the care and guidance of the assistance, so I am in a relatively short period of time to adapt to the company's working environment, but also familiar with the company's work process, the basic completion of the Items assigned to the work; at the same time let me fully feel the leadership of the Heiner rivers of mind, to understand the unity of my colleagues up, harmonious family feeling. This time is a valuable experience in my life, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories. Although only a short period of three months, but learned a lot, sentiment a lot, as well as some of their own deficiencies have been improved and promoted to enhance the company's culture a deeper understanding of the company to see the development, I deeply Pride and pride, as well as a more urgent desire to work as a full-time employee. As the original unit is engaged in customer service work, there are a lot of administrative work done and imperfect, in this, I would like to specifically thank the company leadership and colleagues for my induction guide and help them, for their mistakes in my work Of the reminder and correction.

  In the future work, I will work harder, work hard, overcome difficulties, and strive to do a better job, and continuously improve their own enrichment, hoping to work independently as soon as possible, make greater contributions to the company to live up to the company leadership on myExpectations and cultivation; to achieve their goals, reflect their value in life, I will use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work, create value for the company, with the company Looking forward to a better future! Enter the company's three Month, the leadership and colleagues in the careful care and guidance to help, so I am in a relatively short period of time to adapt to the company's working environment, but also familiar with the company's work process, and now can basically complete the distribution of the Work; at the same time let me fully feel the leadership of the Heiner rivers of mind, to understand the unity of my colleagues up, harmonious family feeling.This time is a valuable experience in my life, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories.

  Although only a short period of three months, but learned a lot, sentiment a lot, as well as some of their own deficiencies have been improved and promoted to enhance the company's culture a deeper understanding of the company to see the development, I deeply Pride and pride, as well as a more urgent desire to work as a full-time employee.

  As the original unit is engaged in customer service work, there are a lot of administrative work done and imperfect, here, I would like to specifically thank the company leadership and colleagues for my induction guide and help, thank them for my work mistakes Of the reminder and correction. In the future work, I will work harder, work hard, overcome difficulties, and strive to do a better job, and continuously improve their own enrichment, hoping to work independently as soon as possible, make greater contributions to the company to live up to the company leadership on my Expectations and cultivation; to achieve their goals, to reflect their own life value, I will use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work, create value for the company, with the company Looking forward to a better future!

试用期后自我评价英文范文 篇4

  If let us on the factory environment, the process of work area and equipment with the overall and preliminary understanding and understanding, then back to the company to enter the department to learn, is to further understand the coal chemical industry, the system comprehensive study of the company's technology patents, And the study of professional knowledge and the development of the company linked to a start. Into the sector, I can in the company's human resources, methanol department under the leadership of the Department of careful arrangements, as well as the master under the careful guidance of a planned and compact work and study.


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