
英语作文关于人际关系 篇1  For college students, the stage of going to college is like the turning point of thei。



英语作文关于人际关系 篇1

  For college students, the stage of going to college is like the turning point of their lives. If they study well and have clear aim about their future, then they can get successful much more easier. But the interpersonal relationship can’t be ignore, it is also the very important lesson for students to learn.

  When students come to college, learning the knowledge is not their only purpose, they also need to learn how to get along with others. We are not the only person in the world, it is necessary for us to make connection with others. It is very important skill to make a living.

  In the college, interpersonal relationship can be tracked in the small issues, such as how to get along with your roommates. Most students never stay away from their parents, so they don’t know the rules to live with so many persons. It is important to be tolerant and nice to others, we need to consider things from the common interest. If we can handle this well, then we have the good social skill.

  So having the social skill is the indispensable lesson for us.

英语作文关于人际关系 篇2

  According to a survey, more than two thirds of people in China agree that, the public moral level is lower than before. This figure, although hard to accept, has indicated the fact that the nation’s overall morality is declining. If you pay some attention, you could easily point out some improper behaviors happening around: young men refusing to give seats to the old on buses; shoppers jamming into queue instead of waiting in line; crude riders neglecting red lights, etc. So what the hell is going on?

  As analysts have figured out, this trend of degradation mainly originated from faulty education. For decades, Chinese schools simply infuse bookish knowledge to their students, whilst moral cultivation becomes a kind of formalism; on the other hand, children are naturally influenced by their family and other adults in the society, most of whom are too sophisticated to be considered as eligible moral models.

  Facing such disappointing condition, you may ask: how can things become better? As far as I am concerned, we must following these three steps. First of all: self-shaping. We should manage ourselves well, and try to shape our own morality as perfect as possible. The second step: family-shaping, which is to behave as the model for your children and improve their moral status through strict discipline. The third: organization-shaping. If you are leading people, such as being a manager or national president, you could reinforce your whole organization’s moral situation with policy and your own action. Even if you’re no leader, you’ll have a positive impact on the society if only you manage yourself well and try to influence others as much as possible.

英语作文关于人际关系 篇3

  Human interaction, more than changing each other, but to accept each other, if want to change each other, it is not life, that is war. Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice, it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. Detour straight people are smart, because find a shortcut; the straight road bends are open-minded, because they can see more scenery. The road is not feet, road in the heart.

  With the indifferent attitude, good reconcile oneself to one's situation life. — "Du Lala promotion"

  To come sooner or later, want to love though, we who also can't win the race against time. Calm and indifferent in the face of everything, you meet people you like, want to cherish the fate. Whether is it right? You the life of the traveler, or a long-term friend, life is wonderful memories. There are a few real friends are rare in this love, please don't care, cherish the present.

  True love, is can let a person touch eternity. The man, ten years, twenty years later, still stay in our hearts, let us look back, surprised feel the heartbeat, as close as yesterday, alarmed by the passage of time, if a short. Maybe today, people have been scattered in the sea, the wind scattered the clouds float past already, unchanged, but such a hard, still in our heart. Sun flower "– not"

  Two people together, begin to always be struck with fright, worry about personal gains and losses, with in-depth understanding, mystery fade, will slowly lose their freshness, passion fade away. At this time, the most important communication, may no longer be very worried about each other, but there is a tacit understanding is produced in sufficient communication and trust, and a run-in very good friends, relax and practical, is a good embodiment of love. Time is spent passion, at the same time, time will accumulate deep.

  Pain is inevitable, the wounds of the flowers in full bloom, dotted with our memories of the landscape. Each time the injured, let us consider, searching for the meaning of life; let us mature, always have to give up something, to bid farewell to their original; let us strong, heal the wounds can let us bear more; let us treasure, easy get who don't care, only pain after just understand, once lost is so precious.


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