
驾驶员英文自我评价 篇1  Since I was seconded to our bureau in February, I have been diligent and hard working。



驾驶员英文自我评价 篇1

  Since I was seconded to our bureau in February, I have been diligent and hard working, fulfilling my duties and fulfilling various tasks satisfactorily. The performance of the comrades are identified as follows:

  First, ideological and political quality Focus on political theory study, concerned about national affairs, and strive to improve the political theory of self-cultivation, and actively participate in the political activities of our organization, always strict demands on themselves, ideology and action consistent with the Party Central Committee.

  Second, the work style with the overall awareness and organizational concepts, everything to work as the most important, regardless of personal gains and losses, and serve for my Bureau, strictly abide by the work system.With professionalism and dedication, work hard, proactive, efficiency.Conscientiously abide by the relevant provisions of honesty and self-discipline, integrity, integrity.

  Third, the work performance

  To overcome all difficulties, I guarantee the shuttle bus workers to work on time. In order to ensure the normal carriage of the shuttle bus, Comrade Li Hua spent every day and never took the shuttle bus for a personal reason, or even had to go to work many times with sickness, because of the long journey and complicated route.

  To assist in the completion of a large number of transactional work.Protection of the bureau and the relevant units of the official document operation and information liaison work.

驾驶员英文自我评价 篇2

  I have obtained a driver's license from the moment to have five years of experience in the field from the driver's license from the moment, I was determined to be a good driver, the Chinese University of network identification of self-identification: car driver self Identification.

  This past five years, I focus on learning professional knowledge, and continuously enhance the quality of business. And always use the quality of qualified drivers of basic skills, often use spare time, learning to study driving, traffic laws and regulations, machinery and other aspects of knowledge, broaden the knowledge level, improve their own quality, lay a solid foundation for safe driving. Rules to ensure safe driving. In order to ensure traffic safety, usually pay attention to vehicle maintenance, to work every day to insist on checking the vehicle condition, to see whether the vehicle problems, found the problem, timely maintenance, each time to confirm the vehicle in good condition before the car, better to prevent drivingProblems on the road, affecting the normal work of leading events such as the occurrence. At the same time, always insisted on the way to stop driving one-third, do not grab a second, strictly abide by the traffic rules, subject to – police command, better prevent traffic accidents. Thrifty, and create a comfortable environment. Focus on saving a penny for the unit, pay attention to learn to master the vehicle maintenance technology, so that small problems do not enter the plant, big problems less into the plant, to personal problems as much as possible to repair their own. Focus on reducing consumption, pay attention to technical savings, little use of brakes, while keeping the car health, regular cleaning, for the leadership to create a comfortable environment. Work is not afraid of suffering, often dusk, overtime, but no complaints, to ensure that units and leading car in a timely, safe and convenient.

  5 years later, I almost 300 km on the line, has maintained a safe driving without an accident, may not be appreciated by the leadership, has been praised by colleagues, has also been the trust of passengers. I will continue my fine style of work continues!

  X comrades as X driver class monitor, in a year's work, always keep in mind the sentence: "one thousand important, important, safe driving is the most important!" So that no accident occurred in the work of traffic safety assessment. In practice, he did this:

驾驶员英文自我评价 篇3

  1. Life: cheerful, humorous, with good coordination and communication skills, and team spirit.

  2. Work: clear thinking, strong sense of responsibility, able to view the overall situation. Good professionalism, be able to bear hardships and work under pressure. And has the extremely high judgment and the matter decisive ability. Be good at summing up work experience and make overall personal summary for each project.

  3. Personal expertise: veteran, retired to Panyu Agricultural College as an instructor, work hard, conscientious, conscientious, conscientious. I am a driver in the army. I have been in and out of many provinces and cities with the army. I am a good driver. I have rich driving experience, mature and steady, and can make a quick decision.

驾驶员英文自我评价 篇4

  I have obtained a driver’s license from the moment to have five years of experience in the field from the driver’s license from the moment, I was determined to be a good driver, the Chinese University of network identification of self-identification: car driver self Identification.

  This past five years, I focus on learning professional knowledge, and continuously enhance the quality of business. And always use the quality of qualified drivers of basic skills, often use spare time, learning to study driving, traffic laws and regulations, machinery and other aspects of knowledge, broaden the knowledge level, improve their own quality, lay a solid foundation for safe driving. Rules to ensure safe driving. In order to ensure traffic safety, usually pay attention to vehicle maintenance, to work every day to insist on checking the vehicle condition, to see whether the vehicle problems, found the problem, timely maintenance, each time to confirm the vehicle in good condition before the car, better to prevent drivingProblems on the road, affecting the normal work of leading events such as the occurrence. At the same time, always insisted on the way to stop driving one-third, do not grab a second, strictly abide by the traffic rules, subject to – police command, better prevent traffic accidents. Thrifty, and create a comfortable environment. Focus on saving a penny for the unit, pay attention to learn to master the vehicle maintenance technology, so that small problems do not enter the plant, big problems less into the plant, to personal problems as much as possible to repair their own. Focus on reducing consumption, pay attention to technical savings, little use of brakes, while keeping the car health, regular cleaning, for the leadership to create a comfortable environment. Work is not afraid of suffering, often dusk, overtime, but no complaints, to ensure that units and leading car in a timely, safe and convenient.

  5 years later, I almost 300 km on the line, has maintained a safe driving without an accident, may not be appreciated by the leadership, has been praised by colleagues, has also been the trust of passengers. I will continue my fine style of work continues!

驾驶员英文自我评价 篇5

  I have obtained a driver's license from the moment to have five years of experience in the field from the driver's license from the moment, I was determined to be a good driver, the Chinese University of network identification of self-identification: car driver self Identification.

  This past five years, I focus on learning professional knowledge, and continuously enhance the quality of business. And always use the quality of qualified drivers of basic skills, often use spare time, learning to study driving, traffic laws and regulations, machinery and other aspects of knowledge, broaden the knowledge level, improve their own quality, lay a solid foundation for safe driving. Rules to ensure safe driving. In order to ensure traffic safety, usually pay attention to vehicle maintenance, to work every day to insist on checking the vehicle condition, to see whether the vehicle problems, found the problem, timely maintenance, each time to confirm the vehicle in good condition before the car, better to prevent drivingProblems on the road, affecting the normal work of leading events such as the occurrence. At the same time, always insisted on the way to stop driving one-third, do not grab a second, strictly abide by the traffic rules, subject to – police command, better prevent traffic accidents. Thrifty, and create a comfortable environment. Focus on saving a penny for the unit, pay attention to learn to master the vehicle maintenance technology, so that small problems do not enter the plant, big problems less into the plant, to personal problems as much as possible to repair their own. Focus on reducing consumption, pay attention to technical savings, little use of brakes, while keeping the car health, regular cleaning, for the leadership to create a comfortable environment. Work is not afraid of suffering, often dusk, overtime, but no complaints, to ensure that units and leading car in a timely, safe and convenient.

  5 years later, I almost 300 km on the line, has maintained a safe driving without an accident, may not be appreciated by the leadership, has been praised by colleagues, has also been the trust of passengers. I will continue my fine style of work continues!

  X comrades as X driver class monitor, in a year's work, always keep in mind the sentence: "one thousand important, important, safe driving is the most important!" So that no accident occurred in the work of traffic safety assessment. In practice, he did this:

  First, law-abiding, safe driving

  In their daily work, X believes that in order to open a good safety car, we must first firmly establish the idea of safety first, we must learn and abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the government and relevant departments, subject to traffic management command, truly "A sound of the motor, focus on thinking! Wheel a move, think of the masses." He attaches importance to traffic safety study, he profoundly recognized: safe driving is not on paper, it is tens of thousands of people with blood and life in exchange for. He has been that: the treatment of traffic accidents, we must "do not let off" (unexplained, rectification measures are not implemented, the penalties are not put in place), the only way to educate the driver in order to analyze the accident Reasons, to identify the root causes, remember the lesson, to prevent accidents!


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