
保安队长的英文自我评价 篇1   about the past year, under the leadership of the security company and at all levels。



保安队长的英文自我评价 篇1

   about the past year, under the leadership of the security company and at all levels of the education sector, I and other colleagues in the campus security work on the job, in order to maintain the normal school teaching order and protect the safety of teachers and students on campus mission to a standard security personnel qualified competent strict demands on themselves, diligent, serious and responsible, to ensure a steady year-round elementary school campus where zhangjiazhuang order, the successful completion of tasks at all levels of leadership arrangements.

  Specific work mainly in the following aspects.

  First, enhance their understanding

  Correct attitude is up schools school education, training of the motherland future talent base from wearing security uniforms, participate in campus security the moment, it is fully aware of its shoulders the responsibility of campus security guard, therefore, I thought with a sense of responsibility and pride, work motivation and direction.

  Second, establish a sense of service, service to the overall security

  As security companies accredited school security personnel, although far from the security company units, but always keeping in mind the security company given their responsibility, firmly establish campus security services in the sense of complete security work in the specific requirements and tasks, and signed with the school letters of responsibility, and strive to achieve the company leadership assured, schools receive satisfaction, order and stability campus.

  Third, earnestly fulfill security tasks, the implementation of specific work

  1, consciously abide by discipline, do not be late no off-site, dressed rigorous when posts, civilized behavior, and consciously establish a good image of security personnel.

  2, primary school between six months previous, due to the construction of secondary schools, primary and secondary schools combined to together, between the second half, mining school has merged into here, these cases are security work campus increased workload, increase the shuttle vehicle personnel school student capacity increases and so the corresponding series of problems come. To solve these problems involve campus security work, strict school and out of school off, never offending people and vehicles into. We found violations of the black school bus or private car overcrowding, to stop immediately and report the school, to take measures for the campus shuttle vehicle outside a predetermined parking area and shuttle routes, the establishment of the warning area and isolation ribbons campus entrance.

  3, adhere to register and work logs and campus patrol officers out of work. Meanwhile, after the school holidays, with the school day, school staff on duty, patrolling and prevention work. RUC year-end summary of the work 4, in the completion of their own work actively with the schools to do some other work within its capacity.

  Review of the year's work, in their own posts on campus security made for safety and security in schools of their results, although there are low wages. Still need to constantly improve their own quality and practical problems and shortcomings, but I am confident that our achievements in the future work, the lack of improvement, the successful completion of campus security responsibilities and tasks.

保安队长的英文自我评价 篇2

  New Year is approaching, in the past year, I focus on hotel security department center throughout the year, down to earth style of work and pragmatic attitude, a positive innovation, constantly improve the overall completion of each year task for us today another new hotel performance.

   is the Grand Hotel in realization of "three-step" strategy targets the most critical year, according to my department, "based on the market, strengthen management, solid foundation, standardized management", chairman of the general idea, my actual sector cases, efforts to achieve "quality service to promote, to a quality brand to brand and development," the overall management objectives. Do a good job security police and fire departments, to strengthen staff safety training, actively coordinate the work of various units, long-term stability for the hotel development, and make its due contribution.

  Overall, our work over the past year has many good aspects, there are many shortcomings, in order to work in the future, short Advantage spacious, especially for this year's work summary

  First, the assessment indicators completed.

   years under the guidance of leaders at all levels of the hotel, under the joint efforts of all staff, I successfully completed Security Department security tasks throughout the year. Not in a year of major accidents occurred, good rate of fire facilities and equipment throughout the year reached %. Fire safety training for the various departments of the hotel == more hours. Really played the role of escort.

  Second, establish and improve the performance appraisal system, the implementation of incentive mechanism, play to their maximum enthusiasm and creativity.

  Implementation of performance appraisal of our hotel strict management of enterprises, strengthen the management needs, is to implement the target responsibility system strong basis. My department with its own characteristics, will be directly linked to wages, bonuses and performance of individual employees, etc., through continuous improvement of incentives to maximize staff motivation and creativity. The emergence of many touching stories.

  Such as during the night club closed, in order to ensure financial security and the hotel can be a smooth transition, the Department staff , , three employees offered to stay at the club, although poor facilities, poor spare parts, but three employees without complaint,give up their rest time, while participate in normal work, while on duty by turns in the nightclub for a smooth opening of the nightclub has achieved a lot.

  This summer Jinhua encountered continuous hot weather, once reached == = degrees, a record high temperature records. My department staff, they are in the first line, strict hot weather, give us work to bring some difficulties, but I am of the people, without complaint, still adhere to the first line. In mid =, and had met with "cloud Na" and a series of typhoons, the Department offered to all employees remain on duty at the hotel, and some worked for == hours, until after the typhoon in the past, only to go home and rest, reflect I am of the hotel staff to home lofty thoughts. The hotel staff to their home at the same time, the department also insisted that close, caring staff, anxious staff, the staff would like to think of.

  Third, strengthen management, continuous learning and training, and strive to quality service.

  Property summary security chief now travel services industry talent competition is particularly fierce, only full of good people, to make the hotel business booming. Departments retain good staff, while strengthening the training efforts of all employees. It has conducted two more concentrated theoretical and practical training. The average monthly use of spare time training to reach a == hours. After each work early morning, no one leave, but the initiative to leave to attend training. Through staff training and retraining, enhanced awareness of the staff of the hotel, courtesy, knowledge of all aspects of police and fire departments. Further standardize the post operation for the command vehicle, pull the door open, saluting and other service personnel respective existing operating problems in less standardized, unified standard. Thought for the customer service significantly strengthened if they can take the initiative to help out Guests in the back room of one million yuan. Guests keeps complimenting my security officers noble style, our hotel, the department won the honor.

  Due to the special nature of the hotel industry work, the needs of guests and our work often requires conflict, some guests do not understand, often occurs abusive security guards, and even make some aggressive behavior. I am of the security guards, adhere to the "guest service object" for the purpose of patient carefully do a good job, but also for the guests never abuse mouth, but try to let the guests get a pleasant consumption.

  At the same time we do a good job for the customer service, but also do a good job of internal services. Since October this year, the Bureau to carry out a number of sports and entertainment events, festivals such as special power held in the Plaza show, fire safety games, workers basketball. In order to smoothly carry out these activities, my department staff dedicated, give up their rest time === more than an hour, to carry out security activities, successful completion of the tasks assigned by the bureau. In addition, the department several times to stop the internal level large-scale power system *. Bureau of the praise has been my department also actively engage in outsourcing various departments and units of fire safety training, training to listen to the views of various departments, improve the deficiencies and improve the quality of training.

  Fourth, strive to do the hotel's public security and fire control work to strengthen the maintenance of fire-fighting facilities and equipment.

  Safety is the survival of the enterprise, under the guidance of the Bureau of Work Safety and Octopus Group Safety Supervision Department, and my department adhere to the "safety first, prevention first" policy, conscientiously do a solid job for each security work .


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