
英语辩论赛主持稿 篇1  beginning:  good evening, ladies and gentlemen. good evening, boys and girls.this place。



英语辩论赛主持稿 篇1


  good evening, ladies and gentlemen. good evening, boys and girls.this place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts.

  judge introduction:

  firstly, i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this debate contest. ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome mr. from…

  rule introduction:

  now i would like to introduce the rules for this contest. no.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of english major, and group of other majors. no.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. no.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 english major contestants and 3 from other majors.

  up to now, i think all of you have known the rules very well. and then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.

  so first, lets welcome group one…


  their views all sound very nice, right? and i think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side.

  all the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. i'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause.

  now it's time for the result. which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure it is going to be very close. and i think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

英语辩论赛主持稿 篇2

  1 .Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. We are at our class debate

  ..I’m ..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this debate.Thank youyou’re your participating.

  2. Today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate

  The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition rules.So our debaters need to listen carefully.

  1 Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. On my right are 4 debaters representing the Student-centre,they are ……………………………………..

  We welcome the four debaters.

  2 Likewise,we’d like to welcome the opposite on my left. The 4 debaters represent the Teather-centre.They are ……………………………….

  Welcome the eight debaters.

  1. Now that we’ve met the 8debaters.Let me introduce the four judges for today.They are ………………….

  2. 这个地方适当的加一些话,关于主题的。Whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out.

  1. I now declare open the Debate. We’ll begin with the first round-presenting of arguments. In this round, both teams can send any debater to establish its arguments.We’ll start with the student-centre,if you please.

  2. Thank you.Proposition for your opening arguments.Let’s listen to how the teather-center make their argument.If you please.

  1. Thank you. Now that we’ve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides,we’ll move into the next round-free debate and rebuttal.

  2. In this round,one of the 3 remaining debaters who did not speak ealier will present.The presenting debater can rebut their opponent’s views and also further develop their own.

  1. We’ll start with the student -centre,if you please.

  2. Thank you, student –centre.Let’s now hear the teather-centre’s arguments and rebuttal.

  1. Thank you.After that round of sparring,both teams have received some blows. We now move into the cross-examination round.

  2. This round is divided in two. First,one of the student-centre’s members who has not presented will cross-examine two of the 2 remaining teather-centre’s members who have not spoken.And the teather-centre’s can only answer questions,and not ask any.

  1. Let’s hear from the student –centre.

  2. Let’s now invite the teather-centre to start the next round of cross-examination.

  1. Now we have the second round of cross-examinations.The student-centre will begin. The remaining debater who has not presented till now will cross-examine the two teather-centre’s speakers who were not cross-examined ealier.

  2. The teather-centre will now start the next round of cross- examinations.If you please.

  1. Both teams’ exciting cross- examinations have treated us to the robust. We now move into the 4th round of free debate.At every competition, this is the most-watched and most exciting round.

  2. There is no limit to the number of times debaters can speak,nor the order in which they speake.Let’s invite the student-centre to start.

  1. This round is quite exciting,but our debaters cannot relax.The conclusion round is also important.

  2. In this round ,the speaker has to be one of those who did the cross-examination ealier. This time we’ll start with the teather –centre.

  1. Thank you. Let us now hear the student –centre’s conclusion

  2. Both teams’conclusion bring today’s competition to a close. Let’s leave the judges to do their work now.

  1. Our judges have made their decisions.Before we announce that,I’d like to invite Mrs wang.to critique the teams’ performance today. Mrs wang,please.

  2. Now the judges will give their result.

英语辩论赛主持稿 篇3


  各位评委,同学,大家下午好!我宣布大连翻译职业学院第二届辩论赛,第 1 场半决赛现在开始,参加本次辩论赛的评委有法语系主席 张诗涵、校学生会主席 宋继龙、日德俄团委书记 刘贤,感谢各位评委的出席,下面有请我们的正反双方辩手入场。












  反方所持观点是: 现在社会需要通用人才








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