
有关于英语介绍信 篇1  Dear Mrs. Miller,  I’m writing to introduce to you Mr. Wang, one of my high schoo。



有关于英语介绍信 篇1

  Dear Mrs. Miller,

  I’m writing to introduce to you Mr. Wang, one of my high school classmates in Beijing. He is presently working for Lenovo Technologies and is going to be transferred to its branch in your city next month.

  Since this will be the first time for him to work in a foreign country, he will possibly be faced with many problems, and especially the housing problem. He hopes to obtain your guidance and help in finding a good apartment to live. You’ve been living there for more than 10 years, so you are surely familiar with things there. If you can kindly help find rental quarters for her, I’ll be very grateful.

  Thanks for your due attention to this letter and hope to receive your reply soon. Many thanks to the trouble you will have to take for Mr. Johnson.

  Yours sincerely,

  Zhang Hua

有关于英语介绍信 篇2

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company.

  What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong interest in software.

  When I was still a freshman, I got Band Two certificate for computer, which was outstanding in my class. Besides, I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in software in these two years.

  I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.

  Sincerely yours

  Li Hua.

有关于英语介绍信 篇3

  Dear Mrs. Miller,

  I’m writing to introduce to you Mr. Wang,one of my high school classmates in Beijing. He is presently working for Lenovo Technologies and is going to be transferred to its branch in your city next month.

  Since this will be the first time for him to work in a foreign country,he will possibly be faced with many problems,and especially the housing problem. He hopes to obtain your guidance and help in finding a good apartment to live. You’ve been living there for more than 10 years,so you are surely familiar with things there. If you can kindly help find rental quarters for her,I’ll be very grateful.

  Thanks for your due attention to this letter and hope to receive your reply soon. Many thanks to the trouble you will have to take for Mr. Johnson.

  Yours sincerely,

  Zhang Hua


上一篇 2024-10-23
下一篇 2024-10-23


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